CLDR, the source of truth for you locale
And why Angular doesn't have a bug with your currency format
Matthieu Riegler -
For those who have had to create apps that support internationalization (i18n), you know this is not a trivial issue. Or at least it used to be hard and things have gotten better.
Angular eases the work a lot for us by providing the necessary code to setup and handle locales.
You import the locale and setup the locale provider.
import '@angular/common/locales/global/fr';
bootstrapApplication(App, {providers: [{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'fr'}]});
And the pipes will use that locale for you
{{ date | date: 'dd MMMM yyyy'}} // 16 septembre 2023 (at the time of writing)
{{ 35.50 | currency }} // 35,50 $US
{{ 300_000_000 | number }} // 300 000 000
Et voilà.
But have you ever wondered where this info is comming from ? Enters the CLDR : Common Locale Data Repository.
The CLDR (wiki) is a project of the Unicode Consortium that provides locale data for OSs and other software.
Although XML is the official format for all the CLDR data, they also provide the same data as JSON. This is what Angular uses to generated the locale data in the common module.
Large variety of data
As of the v44 of the CLDR, you can see that the repo has support for over 600 locales. You can have multiple countries support for a single language (i.e fr-CA for canadian french, fr-CG for french in Congo-Brazzavile etc.).
Here an example with the numbers data. Let's check the fr
locale with the format definition of number in french.
"symbols-numberSystem-latn": {
"decimal": ",",
"group": " ",
"timeSeparator": ":"
"currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
"standard": "#,##0.00 ¤",
We can see that the decimal separator is the a comma, the currency (¤
) is after the number etc.
If you want the meaning of the format, please have a look at the online doc of the CLDR.
Dates are famous data that needs to be formatted correctly for a great i18n. The CLDR defines has a large set of data related to it.
A short example with the korean dates
Korean | English |
Even more
It doesn't stop just with format data, there so much more.
Let's continue with currency data, here is the currency history for each country. If we take the example of Cuba, the US Dollars was a valid currency up until 1959. We have the start of a history lesson here, with 1959 being the start of embargo against Cuba.
"CU": [
"CUP": {
"_from": "1859-01-01"
"USD": {
"_from": "1899-01-01",
"_to": "1959-01-01"
Do I have a bug ?
So how can I investigate if my display issue is actually a bug or a feature? I'll illustrate this with issues opened on the Angular repo.
What's the spanish value for the USD currency ?
Issue #51671, a user was expecting $
as the currency symbol when using the italian locale.
Now that we know the existance of the CLDR, we can check ourselves the info at the source.
"USD": {
"displayName": "dollaro statunitense",
"displayName-count-one": "dollaro statunitense",
"displayName-count-other": "dollari statunitensi",
"symbol": "USD",
"symbol-alt-narrow": "$"
As you can see, the italian symbol for USD is actually USD
and not $
➡️ Result: ✅ Not a bug
Is the spanish short name for a month missing a dot ?
Now, let's have a look at the date formating with issue #51317. The user was reporting a missing dot for month name with the medium MMM
This information is located in the gregorian calendar data.
Spanish | French |
As we can see, the CLDR uses a point for shorted name in french but not a spanish.
➡️ Result: ✅ Not a bug
Missing a whitespace on negative currency amount
On the last case that will have our interest today, a user reported, on issue #46038, a missing space between the currency and a negative amount with the de-CH
locale. He expected CHF-135.00
to be displayed as CHF -135.00
Again, let's check the CLDR number data :
"currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
"standard": "¤ #,##0.00;¤-#,##0.00",
The CLDR defines 2 different patterns for currencies in swiss german. As we can see in the negative amount pattern ¤-#,##0.00
, there is no space between the currency symbol (represented by ¤
) and the minus.
➡️ Result: ✅ Not a bug
Final note
Now that you are CLDR experts, you can look for yourself and check the the CLDR repo. Is what you are seeing expected or not ?
If you see any differences between the CLDR and Angular, you can open an issue, the locale data of Angular might need to be updated with the latest CLDR. Or if you are 100% sure to have found a bug in the CLDR, the CLDR accepts change requests, more on that here.