Trigger ChangeDetection but not too often

Discover the magic of microtasks coalescing

Matthieu Riegler -

In Angular, when it comes to zone-based change detection, we sometimes need to trigger it by hand. At the time of writing this article there is no API to schedule a new ChangeDetection (CD) cycle (pending issue).


This article will be talking about JS internals and more particularly about the browser's event loop.

If you're not familiar with terms like microtask, macrotask or queues, I recommend you read this great article by Jake Archibald : Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules

Also for the sake of simplicity, from here on, when I speak of enqueuing tasks, this will refer to enqueuing function callback as micro/macrotasks.

Change Detection firing in Angular

Basically in Angular, a change detection cycle is fired when ApplicationRef.tick() is called. This happens automatically every time the microtask queue has been emptied.


this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription ={
    next: () => { => {

zone.js is precious here, because there is no native API to inspect the state of the microtasks and macrotasks queues.

Schedule a change detection

Enqueing a macrotask with setTimeout()

If you worked a bit with Angular, you probably already had to write somewhere a setTimeout() to fix a bug. As you probably learn quickly, this solves a lot of issues by triggering a new CD cycle.

Not great, not terrible

It's workaround, not great, not terrible.

The way this works is following:

  1. You call setTimeout()
  2. A macrotask is enqueued
  3. The callback in the macrotask queue is executed and the microtasks queue is also executed/empties.
  4. The onMicrotaskEmpty observable fires
  5. ApplicationRef.tick() is called

setTimeout() enqueues a macrotask. Because macrotasks are executed only one task at the time before handing back the execution to the event loop, you will have as many CD cycles as you have called setTimeout(). As said, “Not great, not terrible“ (it fixes a bug).

Enqueuing a microtask

A better alternative to calling setTimeout() and its macrotask is to rely on microtasks. The 2 mosts famous APIs are Promise.resolve().then(() => ...) and queueMicroTasks(() => {}). By calling one of these functions, you will effectively enqueue a microtask.

Unlike the macrotask queue, the microtask queue will see all its tasks executed, one after another, including those added during the said execution of the queue.

Be wary on enqueuing recursively, this will lead to an infinite loop.

This means, every callback in the queues will be executed before handing back the execution to the event loop. In Angular terms this means, you will only get a single CD cycle.

This will help you optimise the firing of CD cycles by only scheduling a single ChangeDetection cycle, no more, no less.


The following functions will respectively enqueue 3 macrotasks and 3 microtasks.

  fireMacrotasks() {
    setTimeout(() => {}, 100);
    setTimeout(() => {}, 100);
    setTimeout(() => {}, 100);

  fireMicrotasks() {
    queueMicrotask(() => {});
    queueMicrotask(() => {});
    queueMicrotask(() => {});

The first function will effectively schedule 3 CD cycles wherease the second one will only schedule one.

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Even the framework code relies on the microtasks to schedule CD cycles. Here is an excerpt of the forms module.


 * `ngModel` forces an additional change detection run when its inputs change:
 * E.g.:
 * ```
 * <div>{{myModel.valid}}</div>
 * <input [(ngModel)]="myValue" #myModel="ngModel">
 * ```
 * I.e. `ngModel` can export itself on the element and then be used in the template.
 * Normally, this would result in expressions before the `input` that use the exported directive
 * to have an old value as they have been
 * dirty checked before. As this is a very common case for `ngModel`, we added this second change
 * detection run.
 * Notes:
 * - this is just one extra run no matter how many `ngModel`s have been changed.
 * - this is a general problem when using `exportAs` for directives!
const resolvedPromise = (() => Promise.resolve())();

class NgModel 
  private _updateValue(value: any): void {
    resolvedPromise.then(() => {
      this.control.setValue(value, {emitViewToModelChange: false});
