Lazy-loading Angular's animation module
A few kB less in your main bundle
Matthieu Riegler -
The first RC of Angular v17 is just around the corner, let's take a look at an interesting feature that landed in this week's "next" release : the lazy-loading of !
The animation package in angular allows developers to easily add animations to their components by defining states, transitions and triggers. This module is used for example by the @angular/material
While practical to use, the package comes with a cost of around 60kB (or 16kB gzipped) which 72% of the entire ng new
app (~82kB stripped from the Router and the Common module). This makes this package a prime candidate for lazy-loading.
Current implementation
In Angular, the class responsible for rendering should implement Renderer2
. By default, Angular renders a template into DOM with the (private) DomRenderer2
When you enable animations either by using the BrowserAnimationsModule
module or the provideAnimations
function, a new animation-aware RendererFactory2
implementation is provided (called AnimationRendererFactory
). The factory is used to produce animations-aware instances of a renderer (called AnimationRenderer
). Both classes are directly referenced in the code, thus they (and all their dependencies) are eagerly included into the main bundle.
The default renderer, the DomRenderer
does not support animations properties. It even throws the famous error Found the synthetic property @...
to remind the developer to enable animations on the app.
Introducing lazy-loading while keeping the API synchronous
The rendering API defined by the Renderer2
interface is fully synchronous and dates back to Angular v4.
Making it asynchronous would be a huge breaking change so this idea was discarded. With this is mind,
an alternative had to be found to return a renderer eagerly while loading the animation renderer lazily.
The chosen solution was to rely on the delegation pattern: A new RendererFactory2
, the AsyncAnimationRendererFactory
would create DynamicDelegationRenderer
. This renderer would be relying on the default renderer while waiting for the animation module to be loaded and switch the delegate renderer to the AnimationRenderer
Et voilà , we just made a synchronous API compatible with asynchronous loading.
Using the new animation API
This API is available starting from 17.0.0-next.7
To enable the lazy-loading of the animation package, you will have to setup the providers by calling provideAnimationsAsync()
from @angular/platform-browser/animations/async
instead of provideAnimations()
. It accepts an optional argument to use noop animations.
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
provideRouter([ ... ]), // my animated components
To ensure the whole animation package is not eagerly loaded, @angular/animation
must only be imported on lazy-loaded components only (lazy-loaded routes, @defer'ed components etc.).
Consequences of the dynamic renderer
Having a renderer that switches its delegate implementation has direct consequences on angular apps. Let review the shortcomings.
On bootstrap, the renderer will always be the default one: the DomRenderer
. This renderer isn't able to process animation instructions (states, transitions...).
So if we have a component that them, styling is going to be a no-op :
animations: [
trigger('openClose', [
state('open', style({ background: 'chartreuse' })),
state('closed', style({ background: 'blue' })),
transition('open => closed', [animate('1s')]),
transition('closed => open', [animate('0.5s')]),
standalone: true,
export class OpenCloseComponent {
isOpen = true;
toggle() {
this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;
In the example, the DomRenderer
isn't able to apply the initial style, which should be background: chartreuse
It isn't until the AnimationRenderer
is picked up by the DynamicDelegationRenderer
that the style would be updated to the expected color.
lazy-loading & code splitting
This feature makes the most sense when the @angular/animation
package is never eagerly loaded.
If an eagerly loaded component uses a function from this package, the whole package won't be split in a separate bundle and the lazy-loading will be useless.
This is quite easy to check in our own codebases but it can/will get tricky when using libraries. The one you'll probably have issues with is @angular/material
. This official angular package relies (as of v17) heavily on the animation module. Around 15 material components are importing @angular/animations
. If you use one of them in a non-lazy-loaded component, this will break the code splitting.
So be careful with the component you use/import on your non lazy-loaded components!
Does my lazy loading work ?
It is possible to check wether the code splitting/lazy loading is correctly implemented in your app by check the serve/build output of the CLI.
If you're using the webpack-based builder @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser
, you can enable the namedChunk
option in your angular.json
and check the output :
Lazy Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size
node_modules_angular_animations_fesm2022_browser_mjs.js | angular-animations-browser | 176.66 kB |
default-node_modules_angular_animations_fesm2022_animations_mjs.js | app-open-close-component | 39.20 kB |
src_app_open-close_component_ts.js | app-open-close-component | 4.45 kB |
Here we can see that both @angular/animations
and @angular/animations/browser
are in separated bundles. Our lazy loading works 🎉🎉
NB: Named chunks with the esbuild builder is pending this PR.
Final word
The new API is available as developer preview, please report any issues you might encounter.
If you have any questions on this new feature, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter !